Friday 7 June 2019

five on friday

one. fair fun
Our local community hosts a huge outdoor fair with fun rides + games, delicious street food and some pretty amazing shopping vendors. This year was no different and we were blessed with some pretty decent weather all weekend. Colden is pretty much a pro now -- he knew exactly what rides he wanted to go on, what he wanted to eat, etc. First things first, he opted to stand in line to get his face painted so he could relish it the w h o l e day!
Seriously the cutest pirate ever
Jumping on the suspended trampoline!

He was a champ on every single ride. Seriously the boy is braver than I could ever be!

And Haesten was a dream. He loves being outdoors and was more than content to just take everything in from his spot in the stroller
It was such a fun day! Colden rated it a 100/10 and I agreed that it was one of the best days we have had as a family of 4!

two. 30 day writing challenge

Right before the start of June, I joined a 30 day writing challenge (on a whim LOL honestly I didn’t really think it through!)
What that means is that I have committed to write AND post 1 blog post, every single day for the month of June. To be completely upfront...every day has been a little daunting and difficult. I am finding that I have the most time to write after both boys go to bed but I am often exhausted after a full go,go,go day and really have to push myself to get up off the couch and write. #procrasinationproblems
Already a huge benefit of this challenge is that I am seeing a surge of creativity!! Out of nowhere, I will think “oh, that would be a great blog topic” or “I would really love to write about x,y,z
Today is officially the 7th day into the challenge and we are CELEBRATING because as of this post -- I have made it 1 week!! c h e e r s!

three. last month of school

It’s so hard to believe that there is less than 1 month of school left. Even harder to believe that my not-so-little boy will be wrapping up first grade and transitioning into grade 2. He has really grown and matured over the course of the school-year; I am always so impressed with the progress he has accomplished. He is a terrific little speller and has become quite the little bookworm! In the last month alone, he has read 20+ books all by himself and is well on his way to complete another 20 before the end of term.
The last few weeks have been fun filled + crazy busy. Each day Colden brings home new projects or creations.
Just the other day he brought home a marshmallow/toothpick bridge masterpiece and he built THE most AMAZING boat -- he even had several older kids compliment his ship during pick-up time.
I am sure the next couple of weeks will fly by! There's lots to look forward to including track meet, and a year-end trip, plus all the usual end-of-school fun!

four. financial goal setting & planning

P and I have really been talking about future plans and how we can set up our finances to help us obtain some of the bigger goals we have.
One of the things we are looking forward to implementing is a refined budget. We have really gone over our spending habits and are excited to see how we our newly revised budget will help us reach some of our goals at a quicker pace!  

In addition, each month we are going to challenge ourselves to find new & different ways to save or cut costs. For the month of June, we are shopping the discounts (with the exception of produce) -- when possible we are looking at purchasing items/services that are on sale vs full price. This may mean that we have to really hunt for the best deal OR maybe the item isn't a necessity and can either wait to be purchased until it is on sale or come July.

five. tgif
Here’s to the weekend! Saturday we are off to football practice and a birthday party. Other than that we don’t have too much planned. I have my sights set on some home organizing and hopefully can draft up some blog posts for next week for when our evenings are a little more hectic!

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