Tuesday 18 June 2019

Photo Every Hour // Track Meet

Yesterday was Colden's first elementary track meet; he is a little pro! I  L O V E D  being able to watch + cheer him and his teammates on as they did each different event. Colden has spent the last few weeks preparing and getting ready to the big track day -- afterschool practices, extra hours spent perfecting baton handoff (conversations I never thought I would be having in grade 1...…..Colden is left-handed and in most athletic situations, his left is his dominate hand. In the week leading up to track meet, the students had a couple of relays as preparation. Colden was quite concerned that if he was unable to use his left hand, his team would come in second because he wouldn't be able to run as fast as he would using his left-hand!) and lots of excitement in anticipation of this milestone!
They had an absolutely perfect day. Lots of sunshine with a little breeze. It was a beauty of a day and I was just so proud of Colden. I have sooo many pics (and videos!) when I was going through the photos for this post it was hard to narrow it down to 1 photo/hour!


All ready to go! 
Silly faces + selfies before we get in the truck


Team emblem on and all ready for the first event

The proper stance for timed sprint



Haesten was an absolute all dream. He loved all the excitement + activities

Colden whipped through the tires -- didn't even miss one!

Receiving an excellence award + ribbon for scoring 38/40 on all the individual events
I'm not gonna lie, guys......I cried!! Proud doesn't even begin to describe how I felt watching this self-assured and confident boy earn this prize

So stinkin' happy! 2nd overall + an excellence honor

Picking up supper

Home Sweet Home.


This is what happens when your son is a monkey and has energy for days...

Literally the last pic I took before I fell fast asleep. Colden tucked into his "nest" surrounded by pillows in mom and dad's bed
The day was lovely but exhausting

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