Saturday 1 June 2019

Haesten Eric | 2 months

Haesten actually turned 2 months-old December 13th, 2019 but like every second-time mom, I’m a  l i t t l e  behind in documenting his milestones. OOPS….sorry Mr. H BUT this is my feeble attempt to fix it! For the month of June, I have committed to posting 1 blogpost, everyday, to not only get caught up but also ahead in my blogging! Please bear with me as I share from the last few months!!

Haesten Eric | 2 months

2  M O N T H S

I weigh 10 lbs 12 oz & am 22 ½ inches long
I coo + chatter & blow bubbles
I have huge smiles that take up my entire face
I have giggles for daddy (much to mommy's chagrin -- she missed it!)
I’m a pro at rolling from my tummy to my back
And I love snuggles and being close

Weight: 10 lbs 12 oz
Birth: 7 lbs 7 oz
Length: 22 ½ inches
Birth: 20 ½ in

LOVES his sousou, nursing, sleeping with momma, he is just the chillest babe when we are in public and he is fascinated with all the noise
HATES his carseat, although this is thankfully becoming more tolerable

The last few weeks, we have been in-and-out of the pediatricians office -- firstly to make sure his bilirubin levels were remaining stable and then little man caught a viral infection
I think it was much more stressful for me as I know how quickly things can turn for the worse when they are this little. In addition, I was really struggling with how do you know when normal baby spit-up is actually baby vomiting? (A:vomit would be projectile and happening not only with every feed, but in between as well) and how do you recognize diarrhea in a newborn when they normally have soft bm’s with every feed? (A:increased frequency/volume, often associated with vomiting, may be mucusy, ‘frothy’ and/or a different color than usual) Thankfully we have a phenomenal pediatrician and he has been a source of constant reassurance + wisdom these last two months.
As apart of the viral infection, Haesten has had the worst little cough, which has made feeding/latching challenging. I found he was able to latch better after we sat in the bathroom with the shower on, letting the steam build up. He would have much better feeds and subsequent sleep.
Despite feeling under the weather, Haesten has been gaining and growing really well! His doctor was very pleased with how well he is growing and how consistent his weight gain is.

other things…
He is the king of the side-eye
Haestens hair is getting lighter (and longer!) -- it’s still darker around the sides & nape of his neck but the rest is becoming a white-blond vs the golden blonde it was at birth

He is super alert -- sometimes he has the most solemn demeanor, he is just completely chill + is just content to take everything in with his bright, blue eyes
We have conquered TWO wonder week leaps!
I came across the Wonder Weeks during a leap with Colden -- I was googling how to help my inconsolable (usually calm + happy) baby. The science makes sense and I love that there are tips to actually help your little through the developmental spurts. Honestly, I wish there was a toddler and grade-school version!

Haesten adores eating! He loves to clasp my hand while he eats or if my available hand is occupied, he will often grasp my shirt or his face in an attempt to get cozy!
We are exclusively breastfeeding; it is going well for the most part. I am still using a shield for every feed. It is definitely a struggle to nurse in public; with the shield it takes quite a bit of maneuvering, plus if Haesten unlatches, we are both flooded with milk that accumulated in the tip of the shield! Now that Haesten is starting to feel better from his viral infection, I am looking forward to working on (hopefully! fingers crossed!) weaning off the shield, first at home during the day, and then eventually, throughout the night and in public.
I am nursing on demand which can be every hour (or sooner), or every 2-3 or even 4 hours. I have a fast let-down which often causes Haesten to cough and choke but I am hopeful that this will ease up as my milk continues to regulate.
Usually starting around 4:30-5:00pm Haesten will begin to cluster feed (so nurse more frequently) before going for a longer stretch which typically coincides with his bedtime.
He isn't a super huge fan of the bottle. We have given him formula a handful of times --either when it seemed like my milk wasn’t filling his little tummy up or when we were still struggling with jaundice (in an attempt to stabilize his bilirubin levels), but we haven't offered it a ton lately as he still seems to want to nurse after finishing several mls of formula.


We are still sleeping like a newborn - up every couple of hours to quickly eat before going back to sleep. There have been a couple of times in the last few weeks where I have gone to change H’s diaper in the middle of the night and he has decided to be up for the day. Thankfully those nights have been few & far between.
Despite his crib being in our bedroom he has hardly slept in it. Haesten and I have done a TON of couch sleeping, like pretty much exclusively. I am looking forward to being able to sleep in my own bed…..hopefully...someday…..soon :)

P L A Y / D E V E L O P M E N T
Haesten has the sweetest coos/chatter, I literally could listen to him babble allllll day!
This boy and his smiles
Seriously nothing makes my heart grow 200x in size than seeing this boy grin.
His smiles take up his ENTIRE face!! I am not even joking -- his little smile can reach all the way to his toes and is literally a whole-body movement with his head thrown back and his back arching! So much j o y and happiness!!
This month Haesten also had his first giggles for Pier (much to my chagrin as I missed it)
Haesten is super strong. He has been bearing weight on his little legs basically since birth and has been rolling since right before he was 4 weeks old -- he is a little pro at it! Little man is pretty much over tummy-time, as soon as you put him on his tummy, he will pretty much just roll right over to his back. However, he loves being on his back and is very content just taking everything in!

Haesten, we love you so, so much. You are the sweetest most snuggly little thing ever.. You have completely outgrown all the newborn clothes and are quickly filling out the 0-3 month sizes. It won't be long until you have outgrown all the 3 month things but I am loving it so much, because your cheeks are the greatest of all time! Colden absolutely adores his baby brother and tries every which way to help. You are such a good sport about it and even with the smothering of kisses you don't seem to mind.
Your snuggles are seriously the best and I just adore your smiles + coos and love listening to all the stories tell. I could listen to your little voice all day long! You are infinitely loved baby boy and we are all so excited for your first Christmas holliday!

t w o month photo d u m p

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