Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a wonderful long weekend + a lovely Valentine's Day!
In addition to a cold stretch (like -40 e.v.e.r.y. single day this week), we are still under stay-at-home orders with the majority of places and businesses closed, so it was a pretty quiet weekend at home.
In the week leading up to Valentines I was able to take some really cute photos of the boys! In the collage above I utilized a huge cardboard box Pier brought home from work. Like when I say huge, I mean its massive. Haesten can easily stand up in it and I am pretty sure we would be able to fit all 4 of us in there for a family pic -- next time I will set up the tripod and try it out! I knew the collage would have 9 squares so I tentatively decided the loose set-up (for example: I knew I wanted a photo of Pier and I together, the boys together, as well as singletons of everyone.) in my head before I started taking pics. It was so much fun to do and both boys LOVED blowing glitter everywhere! It was super easy to piece the collage together, I used the layout app which is really user friendly and customizable.

For these photos of the boys in their twining red flannel shirts, I pulled the photo booth/lemonade stand Pier built a few years ago inside, and we took photos with props and decorations we had at home.
Roses are red, violets are blue, being in quarantine is better with you!
HA just kidding its crazy over here but they sure are cute and I love them so stinkin' much!!!
Anyway, we hope you all had a Happy LOVE Day. Hold your loved ones extra close and tell them you love them. If there is anything to take away from this crazy year + lockdowns, it's how important our friends and family truly are. Celebrate love each and every day! I certainly do not take it for granted that I am blessed to have these three Valentines to love on!
Red Plaid Flannel Hoodies c/o Littlest Prince Couture
Use code "Jamie20" for 20% off your first order! Link here: https://littlestprince.com/jamie-juneau