Being a momma can be overwhelming and hard, especially when you're in the day-to-day-grind and the nights (and days) seem to be on a perpetual cycle of wake-up-and-repeat. #thedaysarelongbuttheyearsareshort.
Preventing mom burnout is so important. As mommas, we need to remember to take a break + recharge so we can feel like ourselves again, not to mention be healthy + happy!

The reality is momming can be stressful, tiring and often isolating. It can be difficult to make the time to put ourselves first but for our mental-health (and sanity!) it is so, so worth it and rewarding when we do.
Here are 5 ideas to get you started:
- Go for a Walk: exercise is a great way to feel energized and help clear the mind. Taking a stroll can be restorative and relaxing BONUS: you can involve the whole family -- grab the stroller and take your entourage for a walk around the neighbourhood. Not only is it a great example of staying active for your kids but hopefully they will burn a little energy and have a great nights sleep fingers's hoping
- Make play dates a friend-date. Making time for mommy friends is a win-win. The littles have someone to play with (and hopefully can keep each other entertained for 5 minutes!) and the moms get to connect with other women in a similar place. Take turns bringing Starbucks/hosting or pack some picnic snacks and meet up at a local park!
- Stay Hydrated: seems pretty straightforward but it can be hard to remember to get the proper intake of water when you're constantly rushing after everyone else! Being sure to stay hydrated and drinking lots of water will help maintain clarity & keep headaches away -- try lemon/fruit infused water or adding ice to change things up.
- Set up a mommy bedtime routine: get in the habit of practicing the same self-care nightly. Wash off your make-up, brush teeth, enjoy a facemask or read a chapter in a book. Setting yourself a regimen can not only be relaxing but something to look forward to as you transition and get ready to sleep.
- Do Something Just for You: it can be as simple as a bubble bath, or taking time to mediate or practice yoga. I like to set aside time to binge watch my fave shows -- there's something about mindlessly watching an episode or two of The Kardashians or Outlander that just makes me feel relaxed.
I hope this collection of tips and ideas helps you to find a little time to relax. Tell me, how do you like to practice self-care?
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